Thyson celebrates Easter with launch of employee incentive schemes
April 3, 2018
Thyson Technology celebrates Easter with launch of employee incentive schemes.
Following on from the meetings of our Innovation Team, Thyson Technology this week launched an official incentive program aimed at improving the working conditions of our employees and providing recognition to those who contribute extra to the business on a day to day basis.
In addition to flexible working hours, Thyson employees will now have the option to buy and sell holidays in order to ensure they are getting the correct work-life balance.
From the start of April, employees in each department will also have an optional dress-down Friday with a small contribution going to a charity to be determined later in the year.
Thyson will also introduce a popular ‘Nominate a mate’ scheme aimed at recognising and rewarding those who go above and beyond the call of duty for their co-workers.
Coinciding with the launch of the incentive schemes, each individual employee received an Easter Egg and a pizza lunch to say thank you for their efforts during the first quarter of the year.
Managing Director – Mike Braddock issued the following statement;
“Our staff are our biggest asset and I was very happy to work with our Innovation Team to introduce the new programs which will improve the work-life balance for our staff and make the working environment a better place. The new programs are all in keeping with the Thyson values which we all work by every day.”

If you are interested in the joining the team at Thyson, please visit our recruitment page to see our latest opportunities.